Sunday, March 10, 2013

Missing Painting / Found Painting

White Anemones, 6x6", oil on board, click here to bid©2013 Cindy Greene

First, missing painting. I've had barely any time to paint since last Thursday morning, and I've really missed it. As a friend says, life happens, and that's the truth. It's been good stuff mostly, but it hasn't let me paint. Today, I finally divided a 6x6 panel into four sections and spent 30 minutes painting one section. Better than nothing.

Second, found painting. While checking a couple of sold paintings that need varnishing, I found White Anemones, above. What? Evidently I never put this on the blog. Fortunately, I had photographed and catalogued it when I painted it in February. So it was never really lost, but I had forgotten about it. I do love white flowers, and this was painted from a couple of reference photos I took last month at Roger's Gardens.

We're heading into a warm week, and I am really looking forward to a couple of painting days!


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