Monday, February 10, 2014

Winter Hills

Winter Hills, 6"x8", oil on canvas panel
©Cindy Greene 2014

It's still a New Year, right? So what happened to January?

I had a traveling October 2013, a full November, an art-filled December that also included a beautiful Christmas and three family birthdays, and then slid directly into January 2014. The first few weeks of the month were all about putting the finishing touches on, and then enjoying, our daughter's wedding in Camarillo. I can't even describe how blessed we were to spend a week with family and friends celebrating the marriage of two amazing young people.

clowning around with the bride before....
On their way to the ceremony

And the new siblings

Painting has taken a back seat to family life, but I did manage to paint this landscape last week. The resource photo (again thanks to my brother) was taken in Southern Arizona. I grew up in Arizona, and miss the red hills. 

Thanks for hanging around with me — let's hope there are a lot more paintings coming soon.

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